
Showing posts from November, 2022

Are Pumping Bras and Nursing Bras the Same?

  Once the baby comes along, new mothers have one thing on top of their list of priorities – the baby’s nutrition. Breastmilk is the best and complete nutrition for a baby for the first six months of their lives. While some mothers choose to breastfeed their babies, some might choose to pump breastmilk to provide their babies with the best nourishment. So, how different are the needs of a breastfeeding mother from a pumping mother? Do they need the same nursing bras or different types of bras? Let’s find out. Breastfeeding vs Pumping Breastmilk is known to have nutrients in perfect quantities for the needs of a baby. A newborn will only need breastmilk for the first six months of their life. After six months, it is recommended that breastmilk is supplemented with solid foods and water. While the objective of both breastfeeding and pumping is to get the baby to drink nutritious breastmilk, the methods to get breastmilk are different. In breastfeeding, a baby latches on to the m

Is a Nursing Cover Helpful for Breastfeeding Mothers?

As a mother embarks on the journey of breastfeeding, it’s not easy. From latching issues at the beginning to waking up at night for the nursing sessions, breastfeeding can take a toll on the mother. This is why every little help matters. A nursing mother should look for options to make breastfeeding easier and more comfortable for her. So, how does a nursing cover help? Let’s find out. What is a Nursing Cover? A nursing cover is worn over the mother’s shoulder to give her some privacy while she breastfeeds. It acts like a screen and covers the upper body of the mother as the baby is held inside the cover during a nursing session. Made from fabric, the nursing cover is breathable and is safe for both the mother and the baby. How does a Nursing Cover Help? Babies can get hungry any time of the day (or night)! A nursing cover comes in handy when your baby needs her feed, and you are in a public place. It helps you discretely breastfeed while fully covering yourself. While many public